Live Lovely. Love Deeply. Laugh Loudly.
Religious Freedom. We are fortunate enough to have this in our country, but in
other countries, the government takes violent acts to get rid of any beliefs, or
religious views that exist in the hearts and minds of their people. Religious
Freedom around the world is important to me because I personally have what I
like to call a very close relationship with God. I believe and live for him, and
I'm not afraid to make this obvious to our world. A relationship, or what others
like to call "religion" is a line of hope and trust that many people around the
world hold onto.

The people that are being tormented and slaughtered for
having a relationship with God have absolutely nothing. They live in houses made
of straw and mud. They walk for miles to fetch a pale of unsafe water, and they
barley manage to have one meal a day. Christ is the one person that can give
them joy, a hope for a future, and unconditional love. He is their saviour, and
their place for shelter.

How do we fix this? How do we bring peace and
freedom to those who only want to pursue what God has for them? Well these are
very good questions. I believe that we can build a huge organisation of people
who have the same passion to save these people as I do. We could slowly go into
these countries, with our country, and government standing behind us, and bring
peace to these incredibly strong people who will do anything to grab a small
piece of scripture from the bible to hold close to their hearts. This will take
a long and painful ride to get to our destination, with valleys, oceans, and
mountains to cross, but I fully believe in being able to bring Religious Freedom
to every person, in every country.