Live Lovely. Love Deeply. Laugh Loudly.
Well, this photo says it all! I absolutely love this quote. And if you're like me and you have a slight obsession with traveling, then you'll understand where i'm coming from. Going on road trips is one of my favourite things to do. Being able to explore new places, and seeing what incredible scenery our world has to offer, is extremely AMAZING!!! It's here for us to to explore, so why not take up the opportunity right? Anyhow, I could rant on and on about my love for road trips, but that would take a life time! So. My point is, each day we have is made for us to enjoy. We should soak in the scenery, and the beauty of what we have. We'll have those rainy days with cloudy skies, but we'll also have days filled with sunshine! (I know, that was really cheesy) So take those days of sunshine, and carry them with you through the storms.

    Experiences. Events that make a significance in our lives, and/or challenge us. Sometimes our experiences are ones we will never forget. They can be memories that make us happy. Memories that we don’t want to forget. At the same time, we get the odd few that aren’t so much filled with rainbows and unicorns. They make us regret our decisions, and wonder: what if?  
  I know in my life I have had both types of experiences. We all have regrets, let’s face it! At our age, we haven’t “lived long enough” to have had any heart breaking moments in our lives. I’m sure you’ve heard that one before.
We are still very young. Yet again, you’d be surprised to hear what some kids our age have gone through. 
  No matter what we do we are going to have regrets. We can spend all of our time sobbing over one little mistake. Sorry to break it to you, but life goes on! It may be a hard thing to hear, but there are so many other more important
things we could be spending our time doing! 

      I personally think we should take more time to indulge in what we love. Playing that sport your mother hates, creating that random piece of art that your not quite sure of what it is, or even making music that you think shouldn’t
even be called music. Anyhow, my point is do what your heart desires. Don’t just sit around in your past, but walk right into your future! We ask, “what if?”, but we should really be asking “why not?”.
Every step is worth taking. Take risks. Be adventurous. Go out and do it, instead of regreting that you didn't. Try, try, try again. The only way to sucess is to fail once, twice, or maybe even a million times. Every time you fail, you learn, you grow, and you move on! Life is going to throw obstacles at you from every direction, but we can take it! We can stand stong knowing that happiness is just around the corner. So find that path, and follow it. Take the ride, open every door, and take the best out of every situation!