Live Lovely. Love Deeply. Laugh Loudly.
Well, this photo says it all! I absolutely love this quote. And if you're like me and you have a slight obsession with traveling, then you'll understand where i'm coming from. Going on road trips is one of my favourite things to do. Being able to explore new places, and seeing what incredible scenery our world has to offer, is extremely AMAZING!!! It's here for us to to explore, so why not take up the opportunity right? Anyhow, I could rant on and on about my love for road trips, but that would take a life time! So. My point is, each day we have is made for us to enjoy. We should soak in the scenery, and the beauty of what we have. We'll have those rainy days with cloudy skies, but we'll also have days filled with sunshine! (I know, that was really cheesy) So take those days of sunshine, and carry them with you through the storms.

3/21/2013 11:56:34 am

I bet you do enjoy road trips just like i do

3/22/2013 12:30:33 am

I also love traveling. I have been to multiple places in the Caribbean and all over Canada. I love going out to B.C. and seeing the mountain ranges and the old growth forests. So my question for you is where have you traveled to, and where do you want to go?

3/22/2013 05:32:53 am

Oh man... I can't even begin to tell you all the places I want to go!! To sum it up, I want to travel the entire world!! My dream is to backpack it through as many countries as I possibly can. That would be so incredible! Anyways, I've been out to Quebec, all over Ontario on camping trips. and all over the states. But the most amazing places I've been have to be Dominican, where I was doing missions work, and to Scotland about 5 times. My entire family lives in Scotland, so we try to visit there as much as possible! It's insanely beautiful. I love driving through the country there, with all the massive hills, and farms that crawl up the side of them. The weather isn't all that great, but everything else there is awesome!! Especially my family!


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