Live Lovely. Love Deeply. Laugh Loudly.
    Every year, I attend many conferences. They each offer teachings, and a hope
to inspire and motivate us. Although most of them are inspiring, they always
seem to be based around the same technique to do so. Conferences have
techniques? Yeah, actually they do! If you think about it, doesn’t each one have
speakers do a presentation, made to inspire you? To motivate you? To light your
fire? Yep! You bet they do! 

     Now you may be wondering what my big deal is…. Isn’t it a good thing to
motivate us? Yes, it is a very good and important thing. We teenagers can be
very lazy at times… Let’s be honest! But don’t you think they shouldn’t just
leave us hanging? Because most times they do… “Do what makes you happy!” or,
“Find your passion, and live it out!” oh and don’t forget the all important,
“You can change the world!!”…. How? That’s my question. I always feel that they
don’t give us legitimate ways to do all of these things. I mean, when it comes
to “changing the world”, they tell us to donate to charities, and recycle to
save wildlife. These are both VERY great actions to take, but they are very
small actions at that! Some of us really want to make a big difference in our
world, but we very little get chance to do so! I believe that there are so many
young people who have the capability to REALLY make a difference. I hope that
soon enough we can come together to actually impact this world of ours! 

    Experiences. Events that make a significance in our lives, and/or challenge us. Sometimes our experiences are ones we will never forget. They can be memories that make us happy. Memories that we don’t want to forget. At the same time, we get the odd few that aren’t so much filled with rainbows and unicorns. They make us regret our decisions, and wonder: what if?  
  I know in my life I have had both types of experiences. We all have regrets, let’s face it! At our age, we haven’t “lived long enough” to have had any heart breaking moments in our lives. I’m sure you’ve heard that one before.
We are still very young. Yet again, you’d be surprised to hear what some kids our age have gone through. 
  No matter what we do we are going to have regrets. We can spend all of our time sobbing over one little mistake. Sorry to break it to you, but life goes on! It may be a hard thing to hear, but there are so many other more important
things we could be spending our time doing! 

      I personally think we should take more time to indulge in what we love. Playing that sport your mother hates, creating that random piece of art that your not quite sure of what it is, or even making music that you think shouldn’t
even be called music. Anyhow, my point is do what your heart desires. Don’t just sit around in your past, but walk right into your future! We ask, “what if?”, but we should really be asking “why not?”.
Religious Freedom. We are fortunate enough to have this in our country, but in
other countries, the government takes violent acts to get rid of any beliefs, or
religious views that exist in the hearts and minds of their people. Religious
Freedom around the world is important to me because I personally have what I
like to call a very close relationship with God. I believe and live for him, and
I'm not afraid to make this obvious to our world. A relationship, or what others
like to call "religion" is a line of hope and trust that many people around the
world hold onto.

The people that are being tormented and slaughtered for
having a relationship with God have absolutely nothing. They live in houses made
of straw and mud. They walk for miles to fetch a pale of unsafe water, and they
barley manage to have one meal a day. Christ is the one person that can give
them joy, a hope for a future, and unconditional love. He is their saviour, and
their place for shelter.

How do we fix this? How do we bring peace and
freedom to those who only want to pursue what God has for them? Well these are
very good questions. I believe that we can build a huge organisation of people
who have the same passion to save these people as I do. We could slowly go into
these countries, with our country, and government standing behind us, and bring
peace to these incredibly strong people who will do anything to grab a small
piece of scripture from the bible to hold close to their hearts. This will take
a long and painful ride to get to our destination, with valleys, oceans, and
mountains to cross, but I fully believe in being able to bring Religious Freedom
to every person, in every country.