Live Lovely. Love Deeply. Laugh Loudly.
    Every year, I attend many conferences. They each offer teachings, and a hope
to inspire and motivate us. Although most of them are inspiring, they always
seem to be based around the same technique to do so. Conferences have
techniques? Yeah, actually they do! If you think about it, doesn’t each one have
speakers do a presentation, made to inspire you? To motivate you? To light your
fire? Yep! You bet they do! 

     Now you may be wondering what my big deal is…. Isn’t it a good thing to
motivate us? Yes, it is a very good and important thing. We teenagers can be
very lazy at times… Let’s be honest! But don’t you think they shouldn’t just
leave us hanging? Because most times they do… “Do what makes you happy!” or,
“Find your passion, and live it out!” oh and don’t forget the all important,
“You can change the world!!”…. How? That’s my question. I always feel that they
don’t give us legitimate ways to do all of these things. I mean, when it comes
to “changing the world”, they tell us to donate to charities, and recycle to
save wildlife. These are both VERY great actions to take, but they are very
small actions at that! Some of us really want to make a big difference in our
world, but we very little get chance to do so! I believe that there are so many
young people who have the capability to REALLY make a difference. I hope that
soon enough we can come together to actually impact this world of ours! 

Steph M
4/2/2013 12:25:28 am

I completely agree. That's exactly how I felt. If they actually took us through the steps or even brought us somewhere it would be so much more inspiring.

Casey boe.
4/2/2013 12:40:32 am

I totally agree! I want to do great things in my life, but I have no clue how. The speakers didn't help with that, just the usual 'you can do it!'

4/2/2013 12:44:49 am

I agree that all conferences have the same general technique and are vague and do leave us hanging, but I think that is what they are trying to accomplish. They are trying to engage us in thinking of what we can do to accomplish our goals. Isn't that the whole point, to leave us hanging and make us think of what we want to do to accomplish our goals?

4/2/2013 05:58:10 am

I've been to many conferences and this felt very typical, and in the aspect of motivation I didn't learn anything new. BUT I think they don't give you "step-by-step" instructions on reaching your goals and "changing the world" because it's impossible. Everyone's goals are different so the speaker can't help each person individually when speaking to a crowd. I believe that there isn't a specific way to "change the world" and the way we're each going to feel passionate and make an impact is through an original and specific idea. So they did sort of "leave us hangin'" but I don't think it's necessarily such a bad thing.

Brittany Wilson
4/2/2013 11:24:26 am

That's how I feel too !! Like you feel the buzz and modivation when they say you can do anything and everything but does it last?! No you want to change , what do you think they should do to keep the hype but make it last?!

4/3/2013 11:02:37 pm

I agree, I love conferences and love the inspiration, and totally want to change the world in crazy benefitting ways, but I can't and don't know how /: But I try to, by doing a bunch of little things, and inspiring others to do so as well.


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