Live Lovely. Love Deeply. Laugh Loudly.
Last weekend I had the privilege to take a trip to Chicago, Illinois with 60 other youth. Wait... 60?! Yes that's right. 60. Big group eh? 

So why exactly did we take a bunch of awesome hooligans down the U S of A? For one very incredible conference called Dare 2 Share. This was my 4th year, so I was there mainly to help "first timers" understand what this conference is all about. Oh yeah that reminds me... I should probably tell you what Dare 2 Share is all about! Well, it Dares us to Share! But to share what exactly? Nothing other than the G.O.S.P.E.L. In other words, we are challenged and taught to share our faith with our friends. And the "GOSPEL" is one way to share it! So hey, guess what? I'm going to share it with you right now! It's pretty awesome so here it goes! 

"God creates us to be with him."
God created us, He made us each unique, and knew who we were going to become before we were even brought into this world. He knows your hopes and dreams, and even the number of hairs on your head. He wants us to live for him, and trust in him only because he knows what is best for us. 

"Our sins separate us from God."
Every time we sin, and do something that God does not agree with, it creates a wall that separates us from the guidance of our God. He is not the one that moves away from you, but rather you are the one that moves away from him because you have chosen to disobey him. Sin is the one thing that God can not tolerate. 

"Sins can not be removed by good deeds." No matter how many good things we do for other people, it does not erase the sins that we have made. It may make us feel a little better about ourselves, but it will never ever fill the gap of hurt and and confusion that only our God can fulfil. 

"Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again." Because God loves us SO much, he sent is one and only son to pay for our mistakes. He took all of our sin to the cross, and sacrificed his life, to forgive us for our sins. Not only did he pay the price, but he came back to life to spread the good news of the one true God that wants to save us from the darkness of sin. 

"Everyone who trusts in him alone has eternal life." If we give our life to God, He will always provide for us. He is our God of the impossible, and we can do anything through him who gives us strength. If we believe, and live all out for God, he promises us that when we die, we will live up in heaven with him. 

"Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever." When we give our life over to God, he promises us that he will reward us in heaven. The things of this life are nothing compared to the beauty and wonder of the things that God has for us in heaven. 

Here's a link to an awesome video done by one of the leaders of Dare 2 Share to share the GOSPEL in his own rap! It's truly amazing I insist that you check it out! 

I know that this is hard to take in, and it's confusing, and you probably have like a millions questions. So please feel free to ask a question in the comments bellow, and I will gladly answer them in the best way that I can! 

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