Live Lovely. Love Deeply. Laugh Loudly.
    So, you could say i'm probably one of the biggest fans for The Amazing Race. Just the idea of being able to travel the world, and compete for this insane amount of money is a dream of mine. I mean common, even if I didn't make it to the final 3, and win the money, i'd be one of the luckiest people in the world. How many people get a once in a life time oppertunity like that? A VERY small amount of people that's for sure. 

    Not only do I love the adventure and travelling aspect of The Amazing Race, but the competition. I'm one of the most competitive people I know. If I want to win, you better watch out because you're going down! Sorry for all of you who have seen my raging fire when it comes to winning.. I tend to be a sore loser... Anyhow, it's not always about the winning, it's about the experience. 

    Now who do I choose to take this race around the world with? Good question. The idea would be to bring someone with me who also loves the adventure and competition. Someone who I could work well with. And no matter what situation, would never hate them. I mean, this person would have to mean a lot to you right? To experience something like this together? Why not? 

Would you take up an oppertunity like this if you got it? Who would you bring along with you?

5/16/2013 10:47:12 pm

I absolutely love The Amazing Race! :) I think I would take the opportunity if it came along, but I would have no idea who to take. My sister is pretty fun, but sometimes she gets on my nerves, so that's a good question. Who would you take.. :p


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