Live Lovely. Love Deeply. Laugh Loudly.

    On Monday, me and my family headed out to my sister's first Jays game! Not only was it her first time, but it was also the big surprise for her birthday. The Blue Jays were playing against Tampa Bay Rays. Oh and may I just point out, the Jays kicked some Ray butts!! They won 7-4, fair and square. First up to pitch was Dickey (yes i know what you're thinking, strange last name eh?) who has a fantastic throw, and was good at getting the players out at base "Strike 3! You're out buddy!!". Half way through, around the 5th inning or so, they switched up Dickey with Janssen. I personally don't like him as much as Dickey, but hey, he finished up the game with a win for the Jays! Gotta give them credit for that! Now to my over-all favourite player... #13, Brett Lawrie!!!! Okay first of all, he's the only Canadian on the team, which is amazing!! And he's a fantasic player! He played a great game on Monday, and I believe he got one or two great runs! Jose also was fantastic, he got the most runs in the game. 
    The stadium was pretty packed, but not as full as I thought it was going to be. Lots of insane fans, and crazy drunks that would yell out at the most random points in the game. Apart from that I LOVED it!!!!! And I want to go everyday! I may have grown to have a slight obsession over the game. 
    OH. Awkward story time!! Okay so on our way to a restaurant after the game was over, which was in walking distance of the stadium, we were crossing at an interection when this strange man walked up right beside me. Now, at first I believed he was just a very social man, but he had other influences than just being a social butterfly... The man started to talk about crossing the street, then said "I don't know about you, but i like to hold hands when I cross the street." As he says this he extense his hand out me... Yeah right then and there i realised he was very drunk, and was trying to pick up chicks. Unfortunatly I apparently look way older than my actual age, so to him I probably looked 18 with the amount of beer he guzzled down that throat of his. When I rejected his request he got a little sassy, I just rolled my eyes and carried on. I was on the look out for drunks for the rest of the walk to the restaurant, you could say I became a little paranoid and on edge after that interesting encounter.
So, my question for you is: What professional sports games have you been to? And have you had any strange encounters with drunk people?

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